Imperial Troops Logbook
I keep a simple logbook of flights with my drones, so I thought it would be fun to do something similar for my Troops with the 501st Legion. It is a handy way to keep track of the different events, troop damage, various crew/garrisons, and running total of hours. Yes, I know I could record all of this information digitally with a spreadsheet or OneNote page or whatever. But this is more fun!
Here’s an example of the info you can record.
It has a row for every Troop (each can log 200 Troops). Inside that row you can enter in the:
- date
- time
- hours trooped
- running total of hours
- event name
- location
- kit (if you have more than one)
- accessories (blaster, santa hat, feather boa?)
- conditions (has space to log the weather if you wish)
- crew (people and/or Garrison name)
- damage (record what went wrong so hopefully it doesn’t keep happening)
- notes (for whatever else you want to log)
Want one?
You can buy the book online at: The listing is setup to sell the book at cost. I’m not looking to make a profit off of this so I ask the same of you. Don’t buy a bunch and sell them above what you paid – unless you donate the proceeds to charity.
Not a fan of Here are the files, for free, to download and print out your own book: Cover (JPEG) | Guts (PDF)
Let me know if you found this helpful and/or any improvements you would want to see!