Tis the gift buying season. Some folks are easy to buy for. Some not so much. Some are just – impossible. The impossible-types are great candidates for DIY gifts but if you don’t have the time or talent, you can outsource!
Last year I wanted to get the fella a gift related to an item on his bucket list. Flying in an Apache helicopter. Figuring that wouldn’t actually (legally) happen anytime soon, I commissioned an artist from Art Corgi to capture what that might look like. I hoped it would tide him over until he can… GET TO THE CHOPPA!

Original black and white version.
It was a super easy (and fun) process and I loved the result! So much so that I also commissioned the same artist to draw up my brother and his son as Mario and Luigi – their favorite game to play together. I got black and white sketches of each and colored them myself in Photoshop (I had to put some of my skill to use). Sent the file off to get printed on canvas and – BOOM – gifts are done!

Finished colorized piece – with a few Easter eggs tossed in for fun.
They ended up being big hits come Christmas Day. Check them out yourself. I know I’ll be back for with future gift ideas and maybe one for myself. Some days you just need to treat yo’ self!