Stormtrooper Update
Remember way back in 2016 I told you I ordered a Original Trilogy Stormtrooper kit from ANOVOS? (Link to the blog post if you want to read it.) Remember when I said it would ship in the first quarter of 2017? Well, I just got it. Thirteen months later.
Typical ANOVOS.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I love the kit. I’m excited to work on it. I think it is a fantastic price point. I just cannot, in good faith, recommend them to anyone. The constant delays and false information they give their customers when you ask about your order is inexcusable. I’ve read multiple posts from buyers who have asked for refunds taking weeks to months. That, along with their Better Business Bureau ranking of ‘F’, doesn’t give me confidence to purchase from them again nor recommend them. Chalk this up to a very heavy, Buyer Beware.
Why did I buy from them? Like an idiot who saw other people getting their orders delayed – I thought I would be immune. They seduced me with their price for a completed kit. I was intrigued that their kits are based off of scans from the original armor. I trusted the only armor company that has a license with Star Wars. I was so very wrong.
Help me Obie One
So what can you do if you want to build a Stormtrooper but don’t want to purchase from ANOVOS? Visit the White Armor forums at That forum will have all of the information you will ever need to know about getting/making/modifying all things Stormtrooper. It might appear overwhelming at first but just plug along and make sure to ask questions. Feel free to contact me, if you need help.

BBB – also stands for Big Brown Box day in the cosplay world.
Now that I finally have my kit though – time to get building!